dental diseases preventative dentistry man looking at dental xray

Proactive Steps vs Dental Diseases: Strength of Preventative Dentistry

Does the mere thought of reclining in a dentist’s chair give you the heebie-jeebies? Dental Diseases You’re not alone! 😰

Dental phobia is a widespread issue, often fueled by the fear of pain or the sometimes staggering costs of treatment. But what if we told you, undergoing regular check-ups and biannual cleanings could save not only your pearly whites from cavities but also your wallet from substantial dentistry bills? Welcome to the world of preventative dentistry.

Preventative dentistry, as the name suggests, takes a forward-thinking approach, emphasizing that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Regular dental visits, teeth cleaning sessions, and even simple daily dental care routines can help you steer clear of dental ailments. Don’t wait until you are clutching your jaw in agony to think about your oral health. It’s time to take proactive steps towards a brighter, healthier smile!

In this article, we delve into the world of preventative dentistry – its importance, the looming threat of common dental diseases, and how bringing about small changes in your dental hygiene can have a lasting impact. By the end, we hope to have encouraged you to take regular, proactive steps towards fostering better oral health. So, grab your toothbrush and join us on this illuminating journey!


Prevalence of Dental Diseases

Maintaining a radiant smile is no walk in the park. It requires substantial commitment to oral hygiene. Unfortunately, a significant number of people, both adults and children, suffer from dental diseases due to negligence and inadequate dental care.

Dental diseases impose not only health burdens, but also consequences in terms of pain, detriment to well-being, aesthetics, and overall quality of life. Let’s delve into the shocking figures representative of the prevalence of dental diseases in different age groups. 🦷



Breaking down the data demographically, children aren’t immune to dental woes. A staggering 13.2% of children, ages 5-19, battled untreated dental caries from 2015-2018. This is a wake-up call to parents to nurture good oral hygiene habits in their kids from a young age to keep these dental demons at bay. Paying attention to child dentistry can pave the way for stellar oral health in the future. 😓



Life gets busy and personal healthcare, sometimes, takes a backseat. This fact is corroborated by the alarming statistics that highlight that 25.9% of adults, ages 20-44, had untreated dental caries from 2015-2018. 🙁

Perhaps it’s time for us adults to revisit our routines and make dental care a priority. Remember, better late than never. This situation is unnecessary and avoidable.


Untreated Cavities

Untreated cavities are like silent killers, often unnoticed until they manifest painful symptoms. The numbers don’t paint a pretty picture either – more than 1 in 4 U.S. adults (a whopping 26 percent) have untreated dental cavities. 🥵

It\’s clear that dental disease is a rising menace Prevent Dental Disease. However, don’t let these statistics dishearten you. There are measures you can take, habits you can inculcate, that will steer you clear of these oral health issues. Read on for our Essential Tips for Good Oral Health and protect your precious smiles, because your oral health matters! 😉

Remember, prevention is always better than cure, and it’s cheaper too! Don’t ignore your oral health. Take charge now. 💪


Preventative Dentistry

The world of oral health is in constant evolution, and one of the pillars at its forefront is Preemptive Dentistry. This inclusive approach focuses on maintaining a healthy smile and preventing dental diseases from the get-go. Guess it’s safe to say that with preventive dentistry, preventing is undoubtedly better than curing!


Preventative Dental Care – Dental Diseases

Preventive dental care is all about being proactive rather than reactive.😉 It’s not just about treating dental issues; it’s about preventing them from happening in the first place. This approach encompasses various practices, including daily brushing and flossing, fluoridation, and nutritious diets. All of these strategies together help us dodge the bullet of diseases such as dental decay, gum issues, and even oral cancer.

Regular check-ups and cleanings also play a crucial part in this care routine, helping remove plaque and tartar that might have settled in those hard-to-reach nooks of your mouth. So don’t miss out on your dental appointments!📌


Cost Reduction – Dental Diseases

One of the perception-altering benefits of preventive dentistry is its potential for cost reduction. Believe it or not, every dollar spent on this type of care can save from $8 to $50 in restorative and emergency treatments! Imagine that, long-term savings by doing the right thing today.

It’s statistically proven that people who engage in prevention for about five years end up spending an average of just $263 per annum on dental care. This is a whopping 43% less cost compared to people who don’t embrace preventive measures.


Regular Dental Visits

So, what are you waiting for? Regular dental visits are not only about checking for cavities and getting a polish. They are a fundamental part of a broader preventive program designed to safeguard your oral health.

Current studies reveal that approximately 75% of American adults are planning a dentist visit this coming year. Furthermore, about 65% of adults aged 18 and over have reported a dental visit. So you’re not alone in this journey!

Preventive dentistry is not only the answer to oral health success, but it\’s also a tested and effective means of cutting costs. While this requires a shift from reactive to proactive roles as patients, the rewards are certainly worth it. So, let’s embrace preventive dental care 🤝 and together, we can work on achieving that flawless smile. If you want to dive deeper and learn more about specific Preventive Dentistry Practices, head over to our detailed guide. You’re one click away from discovering the key to your oral health success! Call 323-DENTIST for more info, Monday thru Friday 8AM – 6PM.


Conclusion – Dental Diseases

In today’s fast-paced, sugar-filled world, maintaining a healthy smile is more important than ever. By understanding the prevalence of various dental diseases in both children and adults, we can better formulate our approach to preventative dentistry. Brushing twice a day, flossing, watching your diet, and regular visits to the dentist are all weapons in your arsenal against diseases that can steal your smile away.

Here at Wilshire Smile Studio, we believe that preventative dentistry is not just about warding off dental problems, it’s also about providing an unmatched level of care that reduces overall costs, and brings contentment and confidence to our patients. Whether it’s through our state-of-the-art preventative treatments, or our warm, welcoming environment, we strive to keep your visits enjoyable, affordable and productive.

Always remember, a stitch in time saves nine. Regular dental check-ups and investing in preventative dental care can save you from very expensive treatments down the road. So why wait? Let’s work together to maintain your perfect, infectious smile.


To find out more about us and our services, or to schedule your appointment, call 323-DENTIST or schedule your appointment online. Happy smiling!




Frequently Asked Questions


1. What is preventative dentistry?

Preventative dentistry is the practice of taking proactive steps to maintain good oral health and prevent dental diseases. It includes regular dental check-ups, proper oral hygiene practices, and adopting healthy lifestyle habits.

2. Why is preventative dentistry important?

Preventative dentistry is important because it helps detect oral health issues at an early stage, preventing them from becoming more serious and costly to treat. It promotes good oral hygiene habits and helps maintain overall oral health.

3. What are some common preventative dentistry practices?

Common preventative dentistry practices include regular dental check-ups and cleanings, brushing teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily, eating a balanced diet, limiting sugary and acidic food and drinks, and avoiding tobacco use.

4. How often should I visit the dentist for preventative care?

It is generally recommended to visit the dentist for regular check-ups every six months. However, the frequency may vary depending on individual oral health needs and the dentist’s recommendation.

5. Can preventative dentistry save me money?

Yes, preventative dentistry can save you money in the long run. By taking proactive steps to maintain good oral health, you can prevent costly dental procedures that may be required to treat dental diseases in their advanced stages.

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